Issue 4, 2017

Study of the enhancement on photogalvanics: solar energy conversion and storage in EDTA–safranine O–NaLS system


The study focused on exploiting modified cell fabrication parameters for enhancing the solar power generation and storage capacity of a photogalvanic ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid–safranine O–sodium lauryl sulphate chemical system. This chemical system with changed concentrations, a combination electrode and a very small Pt electrode was used to fabricate a modified photogalvanic cell. The modified cell showed greatly enhanced performance (i.e., that for pre-modified cell) in terms of charging time (40 min), initial generation of photocurrent (260 μA min−1), equilibrium photocurrent (1700 μA), power (364.7 μW), half change time (40 min), and efficiency (8.93%). The effect of various cell fabrication parameters was studied for optimization of the value of fabrication variables for the optimal cell performance based on the proposed mechanism.

Graphical abstract: Study of the enhancement on photogalvanics: solar energy conversion and storage in EDTA–safranine O–NaLS system

Article information

Article type
09 Feb 2017
27 Mar 2017
First published
28 Mar 2017

Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2017,1, 882-890

Study of the enhancement on photogalvanics: solar energy conversion and storage in EDTA–safranine O–NaLS system

P. Gangotri and P. Koli, Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2017, 1, 882 DOI: 10.1039/C7SE00083A

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