Issue 29, 2017

Analogous self-assembly and crystallization: a chloride-directed orientated self-assembly of Cu nanoclusters and subsequent growth of Cu2−xS nanocrystals


Self-assembly and crystallization are two common methods to control the morphologies of nanomaterials, which have many similarities. In this work, chloride is used to direct the self-assembly process of Cu nanoclusters and the subsequent growth of Cu2−xS nanocrystals. Meaningfully, chloride both promotes the transformation of Cu nanocluster self-assembled architectures from one-dimensional (1D) to 2D, and facilitates the transformation of Cu2−xS nanocrystals from nanorods to nanosheets. Such an influence is attributed to the selective adsorption of chloride ions on the specific facets of nanoclusters and nanocrystals, which alters the inter-nanocluster weak interactions during self-assembly and suppresses the activity of Cu2−xS facets during nanocrystal growth. The current results indicate that the method used to direct the morphologies of nanocrystals is extendable to control the tendency of nanocluster self-assembly.

Graphical abstract: Analogous self-assembly and crystallization: a chloride-directed orientated self-assembly of Cu nanoclusters and subsequent growth of Cu2−xS nanocrystals

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
04 May 2017
15 Jun 2017
First published
12 Jul 2017

Nanoscale, 2017,9, 10335-10343

Analogous self-assembly and crystallization: a chloride-directed orientated self-assembly of Cu nanoclusters and subsequent growth of Cu2−xS nanocrystals

J. Liu, Y. Tian, Z. Wu, L. Ai, Y. Liu, J. Cui, W. Yu, H. Zhang and B. Yang, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 10335 DOI: 10.1039/C7NR03161K

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