Issue 1, 2018

In situ synthesis of Bi nanoflakes on Ni foam for sodium-ion batteries


We report a facile method to in situ synthesize Bi nanoflakes on Ni foam (Bi/Ni) via a replacement reaction, which can directly work as an anode for sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) without further treatment. The integrated nanoflake structure of the Bi/Ni effectively accommodates the dramatic volume changes of Bi during cycling, and favors both electron and Na+ transport through the electrode. This ensures high cycling performance and good rate capability. The sodiation/desodiation of Bi is revealed to be composed of two successive steps: Bi ↔ NaBi and NaBi ↔ Na3Bi. This facile strategy will encourage more investigations into the design and synthesis of integrated electrodes for high-performance SIBs.

Graphical abstract: In situ synthesis of Bi nanoflakes on Ni foam for sodium-ion batteries

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Article information

Article type
30 Oct 2017
21 Nov 2017
First published
21 Nov 2017

Chem. Commun., 2018,54, 38-41

In situ synthesis of Bi nanoflakes on Ni foam for sodium-ion batteries

L. Wang, C. Wang, F. Li, F. Cheng and J. Chen, Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 38 DOI: 10.1039/C7CC08341F

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