Issue 71, 2016, Issue in Progress

A novel nano-energetic system based on bismuth hydroxide


We report the first study of gas generation and thermal wave behavior during the performance of a novel nano-energetic system based on aluminum and bismuth hydroxide Al–Bi(OH)3. Thermodynamic calculations demonstrate that this system is comparable to one of the most powerful known nano-thermite systems, Al–Bi2O3, in terms of energy capacity per initial charge mass, and may generate more than twice the gaseous products: 0.0087 mol g−1. Differential scanning calorimetry analysis shows that homogenization of the as-received powder using mechanical activation is an essential step to reduce the decomposition energy of bismuth hydroxide by 30%. This results in nano-thermite with higher pressure discharge abilities. The mechanical activation with energy of 450–750 kJ g−1 is enough to transform micro-meter sized particles to sub-micro and nano-sized particles. The resulting nano-thermite generated a significant pressure discharge with a value of up to 5.6 kPa m3 g−1.

Graphical abstract: A novel nano-energetic system based on bismuth hydroxide

Article information

Article type
17 May 2016
29 Jun 2016
First published
30 Jun 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 66564-66570

A novel nano-energetic system based on bismuth hydroxide

M. A. Hobosyan, S. A. Yolchinyan and K. S. Martirosyan, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 66564 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA12854H

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