Issue 43, 2016

Slowing the translocation of single-stranded DNA by using nano-cylindrical passage self-assembled by amphiphilic block copolymers


We report a novel approach to slow the translocation of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) by employing polyethylene oxide (PEO) filled nano-cylindrical domains as transportation channels. DNA strands were demonstrated to electrophoretically translocate through PEO filled cylindrical domains with diameters of 2 and 9 nm, which were self-assembled by amphiphilic liquid crystalline block copolymers. The average translocation rate of ssDNA strands was effectively reduced to an order of 10 μs per nucleotide, which was 1–2 orders slower than that attained by utilizing conventional solid-state nanopore devices.

Graphical abstract: Slowing the translocation of single-stranded DNA by using nano-cylindrical passage self-assembled by amphiphilic block copolymers

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Article information

Article type
19 Aug 2016
29 Sep 2016
First published
04 Oct 2016

Nanoscale, 2016,8, 18270-18276

Slowing the translocation of single-stranded DNA by using nano-cylindrical passage self-assembled by amphiphilic block copolymers

H. Yoshida, Y. Goto, R. Akahori, Y. Tada, S. Terada, M. Komura and T. Iyoda, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 18270 DOI: 10.1039/C6NR06575A

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