Issue 18, 2016

Fully-integrated, bezel-less transistor arrays using reversibly foldable interconnects and stretchable origami substrates


Here we demonstrate fully-integrated, bezel-less transistor arrays using stretchable origami substrates and foldable conducting interconnects. Reversible folding of these arrays is enabled by origami substrates which are composed of rigid support fixtures and foldable elastic joints. In addition, hybrid structures of thin metal films and metallic nanowires worked as foldable interconnects which are located on the elastomeric joints.

Graphical abstract: Fully-integrated, bezel-less transistor arrays using reversibly foldable interconnects and stretchable origami substrates

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
10 Mar 2016
10 Apr 2016
First published
11 Apr 2016

Nanoscale, 2016,8, 9504-9510

Fully-integrated, bezel-less transistor arrays using reversibly foldable interconnects and stretchable origami substrates

M. Kim, J. Park, S. Ji, S. Shin, S. Kim, Y. Kim, J. Kim and J. Park, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 9504 DOI: 10.1039/C6NR02041K

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