Issue 17, 2016

Laser direct-write for fabrication of three-dimensional paper-based devices


We report the use of a laser-based direct-write (LDW) technique that allows the design and fabrication of three-dimensional (3D) structures within a paper substrate that enables implementation of multi-step analytical assays via a 3D protocol. The technique is based on laser-induced photo-polymerisation, and through adjustment of the laser writing parameters such as the laser power and scan speed we can control the depths of hydrophobic barriers that are formed within a substrate which, when carefully designed and integrated, produce 3D flow paths. So far, we have successfully used this depth-variable patterning protocol for stacking and sealing of multi-layer substrates, for assembly of backing layers for two-dimensional (2D) lateral flow devices and finally for fabrication of 3D devices. Since the 3D flow paths can also be formed via a single laser-writing process by controlling the patterning parameters, this is a distinct improvement over other methods that require multiple complicated and repetitive assembly procedures. This technique is therefore suitable for cheap, rapid and large-scale fabrication of 3D paper-based microfluidic devices.

Graphical abstract: Laser direct-write for fabrication of three-dimensional paper-based devices

Article information

Article type
21 Jun 2016
13 Jul 2016
First published
13 Jul 2016

Lab Chip, 2016,16, 3296-3303

Laser direct-write for fabrication of three-dimensional paper-based devices

P. J. W. He, I. N. Katis, R. W. Eason and C. L. Sones, Lab Chip, 2016, 16, 3296 DOI: 10.1039/C6LC00789A

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