Issue 27, 2016

Three types of lanthanide coordination polymers from 1D to 3D based on a tetracarboxylate ligand: synthesis, structural diversities and properties


Three types of lanthanide coordination polymers with the formulas [Ln(Habtc)(H2O)(DMA)]n (1–3) {Ln = Ho (1), Er (2), Tm (3)}, [Ln(Habtc)(H2O)2(DMF)]n (4–6) {Ln = Gd (4), Er (5), Tm (6)} and {[(CH3)2NH2][(H2abtc)2Ln(H2O)]Β·5H2O}n {Ln = Gd (7), Dy (8), Er (9), Tm (10)} were constructed under solvothermal conditions in the presence of 3,3β€²,5,5β€²-azobenzenetetracarboxylic acid (H4abtc). They have three structural types from 3D to 1D polymers. The structural features of the three types of Ln-CPs are as follows: 1–3 shows a three-dimensional (3D) framework with an sni-type topology. Compounds 4–6 form a 2D sheet-like extended structure and these sheets stack on each other to give a 3D supramolecular architecture. The structures of 7–10 can be described as 1D chains constructed from Ln3+ ions and H2abtc2βˆ’ ligands. The versatile structures well exhibit the rich coordination chemistry of H4abtc and the coordination geometries of LnIII ions. In addition, the magnetic and luminescence properties of complex 8 were investigated. Luminescent selective and sensitive sensing of Cr3+ compared with other metal ions was investigated by using 8. Moreover, the 1D anionic lanthanide coordination polymer 10 presents highly selective adsorption of cationic dyes via ion-exchange processes. The results show that H4abtc is a good ligand for constructing CPs with varying structures and properties.

Graphical abstract: Three types of lanthanide coordination polymers from 1D to 3D based on a tetracarboxylate ligand: synthesis, structural diversities and properties

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Article information

Article type
16 Mar 2016
17 May 2016
First published
17 May 2016

CrystEngComm, 2016,18, 5140-5148

Three types of lanthanide coordination polymers from 1D to 3D based on a tetracarboxylate ligand: synthesis, structural diversities and properties

P. Du, W. Gu and X. Liu, CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5140 DOI: 10.1039/C6CE00600K

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