Issue 34, 2015

Enhanced photovoltaic performances of graphene/Si solar cells by insertion of a MoS2 thin film


Transition-metal dichalcogenides exhibit great potential as active materials in optoelectronic devices because of their characteristic band structure. Here, we demonstrated that the photovoltaic performances of graphene/Si Schottky junction solar cells were significantly improved by inserting a chemical vapor deposition (CVD)-grown, large MoS2 thin-film layer. This layer functions as an effective electron-blocking/hole-transporting layer. We also demonstrated that the photovoltaic properties are enhanced with the increasing number of graphene layers and the decreasing thickness of the MoS2 layer. A high photovoltaic conversion efficiency of 11.1% was achieved with the optimized trilayer-graphene/MoS2/n-Si solar cell.

Graphical abstract: Enhanced photovoltaic performances of graphene/Si solar cells by insertion of a MoS2 thin film

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
09 May 2015
16 Jul 2015
First published
10 Aug 2015

Nanoscale, 2015,7, 14476-14482

Enhanced photovoltaic performances of graphene/Si solar cells by insertion of a MoS2 thin film

Y. Tsuboi, F. Wang, D. Kozawa, K. Funahashi, S. Mouri, Y. Miyauchi, T. Takenobu and K. Matsuda, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 14476 DOI: 10.1039/C5NR03046C

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