Issue 8, 2015

1,4-Benzenedisulfonic acid (H2BDS) as terephthalic acid analogue for the preparation of coordination polymers: the examples of M(BDS)(NMP)3 (M = Mn, Fe, Co; NMP = N-methylpyrrolidone)


The solvothermal reactions of 1,4-benzenedisulfonic acid, H2BDS, with suitable salts of manganese, iron, and cobalt led to the new disulfonates M(BDS)(NMP)3 (M = Mn, Fe, Co), when N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP) was used as the solvent. The isotypic compounds crystallize with triclinic symmetry (P[1 with combining macron], Z = 2; M = Mn: a = 916.84(3) pm, b = 965.57(3) pm, c = 1437.87(5) pm, α = 95.297(2)°, β = 97.834(2)°, γ = 92.576(2)°, R1/wR2(I0 > 2σ(I0)) = 0.0300/0.0701; M = Fe: a = 911.98(5) pm, b = 960.75(5) pm, c = 1432.41(8) pm, α = 94.951(2)°, β = 98.050(3)°, γ = 92.029(2)°, R1/wR2(I0 > 2σ(I0)) = 0.0238/0.0689; M = Co: a = 911.3(1) pm, b = 959.5(1) pm, c = 1428.6(2) pm, α = 94.791(5)°, β = 98.229(5)°, γ = 91.873(6)°, R1/wR2(I0 > 2σ(I0)) = 0.0264/0.0684). In the crystal structure, the M2+ ions (Mn2+, Fe2+ and Co2+) are in octahedral oxygen coordination of three monodentate disulfonate groups and three NMP molecules. The disulfonate groups link the metal ions into infinite layers. Thermoanalytical investigations showed that the desolvation of the compounds occurred in a temperature range between 50 °C and 330 °C. The solvent free sulfonates showed remarkable high stabilities up to nearly 500 °C. The thermal behaviour was investigated by DSC/TG measurements and X-ray powder diffraction.

Graphical abstract: 1,4-Benzenedisulfonic acid (H2BDS) as terephthalic acid analogue for the preparation of coordination polymers: the examples of M(BDS)(NMP)3 (M = Mn, Fe, Co; NMP = N-methylpyrrolidone)

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Article type
26 Jan 2015
26 May 2015
First published
27 May 2015
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

New J. Chem., 2015,39, 6117-6124

Author version available

1,4-Benzenedisulfonic acid (H2BDS) as terephthalic acid analogue for the preparation of coordination polymers: the examples of M(BDS)(NMP)3 (M = Mn, Fe, Co; NMP = N-methylpyrrolidone)

C. Zitzer, T. W. T. Muesmann, J. Christoffers and M. S. Wickleder, New J. Chem., 2015, 39, 6117 DOI: 10.1039/C5NJ00223K

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