Issue 1, 2015

Quick and easy access to N-Mannich bases of 1-isoindolinones by catalytic electroactivation of primary and secondary amines and tandem reaction with 2-formylbenzonitriles


N-Mannich bases of 1-isoindolinones can be rapidly assembled by reacting 2-formylbenzonitriles with electroactivated amines on a Pt cathode, using a catalytic amount of electricity. Usefully, chiral amines allow the attainment of enantiopure N-Mannich bases by simple chromatographic separation.

Graphical abstract: Quick and easy access to N-Mannich bases of 1-isoindolinones by catalytic electroactivation of primary and secondary amines and tandem reaction with 2-formylbenzonitriles

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Article information

Article type
18 Sep 2014
03 Oct 2014
First published
06 Oct 2014

New J. Chem., 2015,39, 81-84

Author version available

Quick and easy access to N-Mannich bases of 1-isoindolinones by catalytic electroactivation of primary and secondary amines and tandem reaction with 2-formylbenzonitriles

L. Palombi, A. Di Mola and A. Massa, New J. Chem., 2015, 39, 81 DOI: 10.1039/C4NJ01606H

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