Issue 1, 2015

Visually tolerable tiling (VTT) for making a large-area flexible patterned surface


The fabrication of a large area mold is one of the most difficult challenges in the roll to roll nanoimprint field and eliminating the visible seams on a large area mold is even more difficult. We present a visually tolerable tiling (VTT) method to make large area micro/nano-patterns without visible seams and their applications. In this study, with small area micro/nano-pattern molds, the VTT method could produce a scaled up mold with the same features as the original mold without any visible seam lines. Also, a fabricated large size mold was used in the roll to roll imprinting process as a flexible mold. By using the VTT method, large size metal wire grid polarizers and micro-prism sheets were fabricated and their potential was confirmed as feasible applications.

Graphical abstract: Visually tolerable tiling (VTT) for making a large-area flexible patterned surface

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Article information

Article type
05 Sep 2014
30 Sep 2014
First published
30 Sep 2014

Mater. Horiz., 2015,2, 86-90

Author version available

Visually tolerable tiling (VTT) for making a large-area flexible patterned surface

M. K. Kwak, J. G. Ok, S. H. Lee and L. J. Guo, Mater. Horiz., 2015, 2, 86 DOI: 10.1039/C4MH00159A

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