Issue 31, 2015

AIE-active organoboron complexes with highly efficient solid-state luminescence and their application as gas sensitive materials


Complexation of a boron atom with two of benzothiazole–enolate-based bidentate ligands successfully gave rise to the corresponding BF2-/BPh2-chelated complexes (3–6), which could be considered as novel AIE-active organoboron luminophores. These new luminophores exhibited aggregation-induced emission, and a large Stokes shift in solution. In the solid-state, compounds 3–6 exhibited intense emission with high quantum yields of 0.14–0.43. The photophysical properties and AIE characteristics of these compounds were rationalized through X-ray crystal analysis and theoretical calculations. In addition, compounds 4 and 6 were capable of sensing acidic gas by reversible changes of emission, which may potentially serve as solid-state luminescent sensors for acidic vapors.

Graphical abstract: AIE-active organoboron complexes with highly efficient solid-state luminescence and their application as gas sensitive materials

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Article information

Article type
22 Apr 2015
26 Jun 2015
First published
26 Jun 2015

Dalton Trans., 2015,44, 14063-14070

Author version available

AIE-active organoboron complexes with highly efficient solid-state luminescence and their application as gas sensitive materials

S. Gong, Q. Liu, X. Wang, B. Xia, Z. Liu and W. He, Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 14063 DOI: 10.1039/C5DT01525A

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