Issue 13, 2015

Structural investigation of the A-site vacancy in scheelites and the luminescence behavior of two continuous solid solutions A1–1.5xEux0.5xWO4 and A0.64–0.5yEu0.24Liy0.12–0.5yWO4 (A = Ca, Sr; □ = vacancy)


Scheelite compounds with Eu3+ substitution are well-known red-phosphors. We prepared and performed a detailed structural characterization of A1–1.5xEux0.5xWO4 and A0.64–0.5yEu0.24Liy0.12–0.5yWO4 (A = Ca, Sr; □ = vacancy) to confirm the A-site vacancy mechanism for charge balance when bivalent A cations were substituted by Eu3+. All compounds crystallize in I41/a with a disordered arrangement of A2+, Eu3+, □ at the A-site. The title compounds are all good red phosphors with a high R/O ratio (∼10), indicating that Eu3+ is located at a significantly distorted cavity. A1–1.5xEux0.5xWO4 shows a saturation phenomenon at a high doping level, x = 0.20. With the incorporation of Li+, the emission intensity was generally enhanced compared to the Li+-free samples, moreover, an increase of the Li+ content reduces the content of vacancies, resulting in further increase of the luminescence intensity.

Graphical abstract: Structural investigation of the A-site vacancy in scheelites and the luminescence behavior of two continuous solid solutions A1–1.5xEux□0.5xWO4 and A0.64–0.5yEu0.24Liy□0.12–0.5yWO4 (A = Ca, Sr; □ = vacancy)

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Article information

Article type
04 Jan 2015
16 Feb 2015
First published
19 Feb 2015

Dalton Trans., 2015,44, 6175-6183

Author version available

Structural investigation of the A-site vacancy in scheelites and the luminescence behavior of two continuous solid solutions A1–1.5xEux0.5xWO4 and A0.64–0.5yEu0.24Liy0.12–0.5yWO4 (A = Ca, Sr; □ = vacancy)

P. Jiang, W. Gao, R. Cong and T. Yang, Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 6175 DOI: 10.1039/C5DT00022J

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