Issue 32, 2014

Ultra-long magnetic nanochains for highly efficient arsenic removal from water


The contamination of drinking water with naturally occurring arsenic is a global health threat. Filters that are packed with adsorbent media with a high affinity for arsenic have been used to de-contaminate water—generally iron or aluminium oxides are favored materials. Recently, nanoparticles have been introduced as adsorbent media due to their superior efficiency compared to their bulk counter-parts. An efficient nanoadsorbent should ideally possess high surface area, be easy to synthesize, and most importantly offer a high arsenic removal capacity. Achieving all the key features in a single step synthesis is an engineering challenge. We have successfully engineered such a material in the form of nanochains synthesized via a one step flame synthesis. The ultra-long γ-Fe2O3 nanochains possess high surface area (151.12 m2 g−1), large saturation magnetization (77.1 emu g−1) that aids in their gas phase self-assembly into long chains in an external magnetic field, along with an extraordinary arsenic removal capacity (162 mg g−1). A filter made with this material exhibited a relatively low-pressure drop and very little break-through of the iron oxide across the filter.

Graphical abstract: Ultra-long magnetic nanochains for highly efficient arsenic removal from water

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Article information

Article type
25 May 2014
19 Jun 2014
First published
20 Jun 2014

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014,2, 12974-12981

Author version available

Ultra-long magnetic nanochains for highly efficient arsenic removal from water

G. K. Das, C. S. Bonifacio, J. De Rojas, K. Liu, K. van Benthem and I. M. Kennedy, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 12974 DOI: 10.1039/C4TA02614D

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