Issue 68, 2014

Dye-sensitized solar cells with enhanced efficiency using hierarchical TiO2 spheres as a scattering layer


TiO2 microspheres with solid, core–shell and hollow chambers were synthesized by facile solvothermal alcoholysis. The TiO2 microspheres were encapsulated between TiO2 films comprising of tiny nanoparticles and used as a scattering layer in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). The resulting DSSCs showed increased cell efficiencies compared to those of pure TiO2 films without any scattering layers. DSSCs with hollow microspheres as scattering layer exhibited the highest photocurrent due to the enhanced light harvesting, which could be attributed to both the multiple reflections of light in the chamber and total internal reflections. Moreover, it also facilitated electron transfer and increased the lifetime of photocharges.

Graphical abstract: Dye-sensitized solar cells with enhanced efficiency using hierarchical TiO2 spheres as a scattering layer

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Article information

Article type
24 Apr 2014
29 Jul 2014
First published
30 Jul 2014

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 36206-36211

Dye-sensitized solar cells with enhanced efficiency using hierarchical TiO2 spheres as a scattering layer

F. Lv, S. Xiao, J. Zhu and H. Li, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 36206 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA03723E

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