Issue 45, 2014

A continuous etching process for highly-active Pd nanoclusters and their in situ stabilization


We report a simple and environmentally-benign method for the synthesis of Pd nanoclusters through a continuous etching process. With the help of L-methionine, newly-formed Pd nanoparticles (larger than 50 nm) will gradually reduce their size, finally resulting in the formation of tiny nanoclusters with a diameter around 1.4 nm. A following sol–gel process can encapsulate these highly-active nanoclusters into a silica matrix. In this way, Pd nanoclusters can be stabilized and can sustain a high temperature treatment up to 600 °C. Moreover, these Pd nanoclusters are proved to be promising for a catalytic Suzuki reaction. Due to the composite structure of nanoclusters and silica, the Pd@SiO2 catalysts show integrated merits including good catalytic activity, high stability and notable cyclability.

Graphical abstract: A continuous etching process for highly-active Pd nanoclusters and their in situ stabilization

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Article information

Article type
09 Mar 2014
24 Apr 2014
First published
24 Apr 2014

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 23637-23641

A continuous etching process for highly-active Pd nanoclusters and their in situ stabilization

A. Zhong, W. Zou, W. Mao, R. Lu, A. Cao and L. Wan, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 23637 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA02047B

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