Issue 11, 2014

Tetramethylbithiophene in π-conjugated alternating copolymers as an effective structural component for the formation of spherical assemblies


π-Conjugated alternating copolymers containing a tetramethylbithiophene unit show a strong tendency to form well-defined, sub- to several-micrometer-sized spheres. The twisted bithiophene unit inhibits interchain stacking and anisotropic crystal growth of these copolymers, leading to the formation of structurally isotropic spheres by means of a slow diffusion of a nonsolvent into a solution of the copolymers. These micrometer-sized spheres display extremely long photocarrier lifetimes (∼10−3 s) in comparison with cast films from the solutions of the polymers and those of the irregular aggregates (<10−6 s).

Graphical abstract: Tetramethylbithiophene in π-conjugated alternating copolymers as an effective structural component for the formation of spherical assemblies

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Article information

Article type
08 Jan 2014
16 Feb 2014
First published
17 Feb 2014

Polym. Chem., 2014,5, 3583-3587

Author version available

Tetramethylbithiophene in π-conjugated alternating copolymers as an effective structural component for the formation of spherical assemblies

L. Tong, S. Kushida, J. Kuwabara, T. Kanbara, N. Ishii, A. Saeki, S. Seki, S. Furumi and Y. Yamamoto, Polym. Chem., 2014, 5, 3583 DOI: 10.1039/C4PY00023D

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