Issue 47, 2014

A designed bithiopheneimide-based conjugated polymer for organic photovoltaic with ultrafast charge transfer at donor/PC71BM interface: theoretical study and characterization


In the current work, a series of bithiopheneimide (BTI)-based D–A copolymers were investigated based on the reported PDTSBTI (1) to screen excellent molecules toward organic photovoltaic (OPV) donor materials. It is found that the PCE based on the proposed derivative 4, where the silicon atom is replaced with vinyl and cyano groups on the DTS unit, shows a 70 percent improvement by Scharber diagrams compared with its prototype 1. Then, the charge transfer dynamics of 1/PC71BM and 4/PC71BM were investigated, including the intermolecular charge transfer (inter-CT) and recombination (inter-CR) rates. The theoretical data demonstrate that the ratio kinter-CT/kinter-CR of 4/PC71BM heterojunction is about 1 × 105 times higher than that of 1/PC71BM. These results clearly reveal that the designed donor molecule 4 will be a promising candidate for high-performance OPV device. We expect that this work from electron processing at the D/A interface may provide a theoretical guideline for further optimization and design of organic copolymer donor materials.

Graphical abstract: A designed bithiopheneimide-based conjugated polymer for organic photovoltaic with ultrafast charge transfer at donor/PC71BM interface: theoretical study and characterization

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Article information

Article type
10 Jul 2014
03 Sep 2014
First published
03 Sep 2014

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014,16, 25799-25808

A designed bithiopheneimide-based conjugated polymer for organic photovoltaic with ultrafast charge transfer at donor/PC71BM interface: theoretical study and characterization

S. Li, Y. Duan, Y. Geng, H. Li, J. Zhang, H. Xu, M. Zhang and Z. Su, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 25799 DOI: 10.1039/C4CP03022B

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