Issue 11, 2014

Glycan microarrays: new angles and new strategies


Carbohydrate microarrays, comprising hundreds to thousands of different glycan structures on solid surfaces in a spatially discrete pattern, are sensitive and versatile tools for the analysis of glycosylation changes in complex biological samples. Glycoarrays are also suitable for monitoring multiple molecular interactions with biomolecules where sugars are involved, offering a large variety of bioassay options. In this paper we review the most important glycan microarray types currently used with their main applications, and discuss some of the future challenges the technology faces.

Graphical abstract: Glycan microarrays: new angles and new strategies

Article information

Article type
Tutorial Review
12 Dec 2013
24 Feb 2014
First published
25 Feb 2014

Analyst, 2014,139, 2650-2657

Glycan microarrays: new angles and new strategies

B. Donczo, J. Kerekgyarto, Z. Szurmai and A. Guttman, Analyst, 2014, 139, 2650 DOI: 10.1039/C3AN02289G

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