Issue 15, 2013

Complexation properties of N-thiophosphorylated thiourea 2-PyNHC(S)NHP(S)(OiPr)2 towards NiII


Reaction of the deprotonated N-thiophosphorylated thiourea 2-PyNHC(S)NHP(S)(OiPr)2 (HL) with NiCl2 leads to the complex [Ni{2-PyNHC(S)NP(S)(OiPr)2}2] ([NiL22]) with unprecedented 1,5,7-N,N′,S-coordination of the ligand. Recrystallization of [NiL2] from a mixture of CH2Cl2n-hexane or acetonen-hexane leads to [Ni(L-1,5,7-N,N′,S)2]·CH2Cl2 and [Ni(L-1,5,7-N,N′,S)2], respectively. The latter complex, in turn, shows a temperature-induced polymorphism. [NiL2] in solution shows a paramagnetic distorted octahedral structure where the metal center is coordinated through the nitrogen atoms of the phosphorylamide and pyridyl group functions, and oxygen atoms of the phosphorylamide unit. Furthermore, in the solid state at low temperature, [Ni(L-1,5,7-N,N′,S)2] is shown from high-frequency EPR measurements to possess an S = 1 ground state with large anisotropy.

Graphical abstract: Complexation properties of N-thiophosphorylated thiourea 2-PyNHC(S)NHP(S)(OiPr)2 towards NiII

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Article information

Article type
02 Dec 2012
18 Feb 2013
First published
19 Feb 2013

Dalton Trans., 2013,42, 5252-5257

Complexation properties of N-thiophosphorylated thiourea 2-PyNHC(S)NHP(S)(OiPr)2 towards NiII

D. A. Safin, M. G. Babashkina, P. Kubisiak, M. P. Mitoraj, K. Robeyns, E. Goovaerts and Y. Garcia, Dalton Trans., 2013, 42, 5252 DOI: 10.1039/C3DT32886D

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