Issue 46, 2013

Activation of CO2 by tBuZnOH species: efficient routes to novel nanomaterials based on zinc carbonates


We report on the activation of CO2 by the well-defined alkylzinc hydroxide (tBuZnOH)6 in the absence and presence of tBu2Zn as an external proton acceptor. The slight modifications in reaction systems involving organozinc precursors enable control of the reaction products with high selectivity leading to the isolation of the mesoporous solid based on ZnCO3 nanoparticles or an unprecedented discrete alkylzinc carbonate [(tBuZn)25-CO3)]6 cluster with the Zn–C bond intact, respectively.

Graphical abstract: Activation of CO2 by tBuZnOH species: efficient routes to novel nanomaterials based on zinc carbonates

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Article information

Article type
04 Mar 2013
18 Apr 2013
First published
18 Apr 2013
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Commun., 2013,49, 5271-5273

Activation of CO2 by tBuZnOH species: efficient routes to novel nanomaterials based on zinc carbonates

K. Sokołowski, W. Bury, I. Justyniak, A. M. Cieślak, M. Wolska, K. Sołtys, I. Dzięcielewski and J. Lewiński, Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 5271 DOI: 10.1039/C3CC41639A

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