Bipolar anthracene derivatives containing hole- and electron-transporting moieties for highly efficient blue electroluminescence devices†
A series of bipolar
* Corresponding authors
Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials and Institute of Fine Chemicals, East China University of Science & Technology, Shanghai, China
Fax: (+86) 21-64252288
b Centre for Advanced Luminescence Materials, Department of Physics, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong, China
c Displays & Lighting Center, National Engineering Lab of TFT-LCD Materials and Technologies, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
A series of bipolar
J. Huang, J. Su, X. Li, M. Lam, K. Fung, H. Fan, K. Cheah, C. H. Chen and H. Tian, J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 2957 DOI: 10.1039/C0JM03300F
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