Issue 3, 2011

An effective medium of H2O and low-pressure CO2 for the selective hydrogenation of aromatic nitro compounds to anilines


Chemoselective hydrogenation of water-insoluble aromatic nitro compounds can be achieved over Ni catalysts in a H2O–compressed CO2 system at 35–50 °C without using any environmentally harmful solvent. The effective CO2 pressure is much lower than the critical pressure of CO2. The hydrogenation of nitro group should be the rate-determining step.

Graphical abstract: An effective medium of H2O and low-pressure CO2 for the selective hydrogenation of aromatic nitro compounds to anilines

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
22 Jun 2010
24 Dec 2010
First published
31 Jan 2011

Green Chem., 2011,13, 570-572

An effective medium of H2O and low-pressure CO2 for the selective hydrogenation of aromatic nitro compounds to anilines

X. Meng, H. Cheng, S. Fujita, Y. Yu, F. Zhao and M. Arai, Green Chem., 2011, 13, 570 DOI: 10.1039/C0GC00246A

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