Issue 8, 2011

Poly(lactic acid) as a transparent matrix for luminescent solar concentrators: a renewable material for a renewable energy technology


The suitability of L-poly(lactic acid) (L-PLA) as a transparent matrix, alternative to poly(methylmetacrilate) (PMMA), for use in luminescent solar concentrators is herein demonstrated. Low molecular weight L-PLA-based films, both chemically modified or blended with an oligothiophene luminescent dye (T5OH), showed excellent processability, photostability, and exhibited fluorescence quantum yields (of about 35%) even higher than T5OH-doped PMMA.

Graphical abstract: Poly(lactic acid) as a transparent matrix for luminescent solar concentrators: a renewable material for a renewable energy technology

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Article information

Article type
01 Apr 2011
13 Jun 2011
First published
08 Jul 2011

Energy Environ. Sci., 2011,4, 2849-2853

Poly(lactic acid) as a transparent matrix for luminescent solar concentrators: a renewable material for a renewable energy technology

V. Fattori, M. Melucci, L. Ferrante, M. Zambianchi, I. Manet, W. Oberhauser, G. Giambastiani, M. Frediani, G. Giachi and N. Camaioni, Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, 4, 2849 DOI: 10.1039/C1EE01391B

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