Existence of both blue-shifting hydrogen bond and Lewis acid–base interaction in the complexes of carbonyls and thiocarbonyls with carbon dioxide†
In this study, 16 gas phase complexes of the pairs of XCHZ and CO2 (X = F, Cl, Br; Z = O, S) have been identified. Interaction energies calculated at the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ//MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ level including both BSSE and ZPE corrections range from −5.6 to −10.5 kJ mol−1 for XCHO⋯CO2 and from −5.7 to −9.1 kJ mol−1 for XCHS⋯CO2. Substitution of one H atom by one S3⋯C6 to >C1
O3⋯C6 and to >C1–X4⋯C6. This result suggests the higher capacity of solubility of
S functional group in competition with >C
O. The Lewis acid–base interaction of the types >C
S⋯C, >C–Cl⋯C and >C–Br⋯C is demonstrated for the first time. The contribution of the hydrogen bonding interaction to the total interaction energy is larger for XCHS⋯CO2 than for XCHO⋯CO2. Upon complexation, a contraction of the C1–H2 bond length and a blue shift of its stretching frequency have been observed, as compared to the isolated monomer, indicating the existence of a blue-shifting hydrogen bond in all complexes examined. Calculated results also lend further support for the viewpoint that when acting as
- This article is part of the themed collection: Weak hydrogen bonds – strong effects?