Issue 9, 2005

The effective synthesis of propylene carbonate catalyzed by silica-supported hexaalkylguanidinium chloride


We have described that both homogeneous and a silica-supported hexaalkylguanidinium chloride were effective catalysts for CO2 fixation to carbonate without any solvent under mild reaction conditions (4.5 MPa, 120 °C, 4 h), the silica-supported hexaalkylguanidinium chloride showing the great advantage that it could be recycled easily at least 5 further times without any obvious decrease in its catalytic activity, after simple filtration.

Graphical abstract: The effective synthesis of propylene carbonate catalyzed by silica-supported hexaalkylguanidinium chloride

Article information

Article type
07 Apr 2005
24 Jun 2005
First published
28 Jul 2005

New J. Chem., 2005,29, 1199-1203

The effective synthesis of propylene carbonate catalyzed by silica-supported hexaalkylguanidinium chloride

H. Xie, H. Duan, S. Li and S. Zhang, New J. Chem., 2005, 29, 1199 DOI: 10.1039/B504822B

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