Issue 84, 2005

Solvent control in the hydrothermal synthesis of two copper(i) iodide–benzimidazole coordination polymers


Copper(I) iodide and potassium iodide react with benzimidazole under hydrothermal conditions to form a photoluminescent μ34 iodo-bridged, four-legged, triple-ladder polymer [(CuI)2(C7H6N2)]n (1) as well as linear [Cu(2-IC7H4N2)]n (2), which has iodine in the heterocyclic entity that results from nucleophilic substitution. The compounds can be synthesized independently with a rational choice of different solvents: compound 1 is the sole product in acetonitrile whereas aqueous ammonia only results in the formation of compound 2. Compound 1 shows two emission peaks at 409 and 608 nm assigned to a combination of iodide to copper charge transfer (XMCT) and a metal centre d–sp transition.

Graphical abstract: Solvent control in the hydrothermal synthesis of two copper(i) iodide–benzimidazole coordination polymers

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Article information

Article type
06 May 2005
20 Jul 2005
First published
03 Aug 2005

CrystEngComm, 2005,7, 514-518

Solvent control in the hydrothermal synthesis of two copper(I) iodidebenzimidazole coordination polymers

T. Wu, D. Li and S. W. Ng, CrystEngComm, 2005, 7, 514 DOI: 10.1039/B506273J

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