Issue 6, 2005

Active sites for NO reduction over Fe-ZSM-5 catalysts


A study of Fe-ZSM-5 catalysts with variable amounts of isolated, oligomeric and heavily aggregated Fe3+ oxo sites (as evidenced by UV-Vis and EPR spectroscopic data) and their catalytic properties in the selective catalytic reduction of NO by isobutane or by NH3 is presented, which allows development of a unified concept of the active Fe sites in these reactions, according to which isolated Fe sites catalyse both SCR reactions while oligomeric sites, though also involved in the selective reduction path, limit the catalyst performance by causing the total oxidation of the reductant.

Graphical abstract: Active sites for NO reduction over Fe-ZSM-5 catalysts

Article information

Article type
16 Sep 2004
16 Nov 2004
First published
23 Dec 2004

Chem. Commun., 2005, 805-807

Active sites for NO reduction over Fe-ZSM-5 catalysts

M. Schwidder, M. Santhosh Kumar, A. Brückner and W. Grünert, Chem. Commun., 2005, 805 DOI: 10.1039/B414179B

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