Issue 1, 2004

CoCl2 catalysed decarboxylation-oxidation of mandelic acids by molecular oxygen


A series of mandelic acid derivatives was oxidised by molecular oxygen using cobalt(II) chloride as the catalyst. Benzaldehyde and/or benzoic acid derivatives were obtained in high selectivities, depending on the aromatic ring substitution. Different oxidation mechanisms are operating, depending on the mandelic acid substitution.

Graphical abstract: CoCl2 catalysed decarboxylation-oxidation of mandelic acids by molecular oxygen

Article information

Article type
24 Jun 2003
16 Sep 2003
First published
29 Oct 2003

New J. Chem., 2004,28, 62-66

CoCl2 catalysed decarboxylation-oxidation of mandelic acids by molecular oxygen

I. Favier, E. Duñach, D. Hébrault and J. Desmurs, New J. Chem., 2004, 28, 62 DOI: 10.1039/B307186C

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