Issue 12, 2004

Recycling asymmetric hydrogenation catalysts by their immobilisation onto ion-exchange resins


New systems based on cationic chiral phosphine–rhodium complexes anchored to a commercial cation-exchange gel-type resin showed high efficiency and easy recycling in the asymmetric hydrogenation of prochiral olefins.

Graphical abstract: Recycling asymmetric hydrogenation catalysts by their immobilisation onto ion-exchange resins

Article information

Article type
23 Apr 2004
11 May 2004
First published
19 May 2004

Dalton Trans., 2004, 1783-1784

Recycling asymmetric hydrogenation catalysts by their immobilisation onto ion-exchange resins

P. Barbaro, C. Bianchini, G. Giambastiani, W. Oberhauser, L. M. Bonzi, F. Rossi and V. Dal Santo, Dalton Trans., 2004, 1783 DOI: 10.1039/B406179A

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