Issue 14, 2003

Calamitic and discotic mesophases formed by kinetically controlled rod–disc alternation of molecular shape in a triphenylene–azobenzene mesogenic system


A triphenylene mesogen with the peripheral azobenzene units was found to show kinetically controlled bimesomorphism, with a metastable smectic and a stable hexagonal columnar (Colh) phases on cooling, which is caused by the rod–disc alternation of the molecular shape.

Graphical abstract: Calamitic and discotic mesophases formed by kinetically controlled rod–disc alternation of molecular shape in a triphenylene–azobenzene mesogenic system

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Article information

Article type
17 Feb 2003
27 May 2003
First published
18 Jun 2003

Chem. Commun., 2003, 1676-1677

Calamitic and discotic mesophases formed by kinetically controlled rod–disc alternation of molecular shape in a triphenylene–azobenzene mesogenic system

Y. Shimizu, A. Kurobe, H. Monobe, N. Terasawa, K. Kiyohara and K. Uchida, Chem. Commun., 2003, 1676 DOI: 10.1039/B301862H

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