Issue 89, 2002

Structural manipulation through selective substitution of hydrogen bonding groups: the supramolecular structures of bis(thiosemicarbazidato)nickel complexes


Deprotonation of a coordinated thiosemicarbazide by a dicarboxylate species competes with the previously reported formation of cation⋯anion tapes via charge-augmented hydrogen bonding between the thiosemicarbazide ligands and the carboxylates. This has resulted in the formation of five bis(thiosemicarbazidato)nickel complexes, [Ni(tscato)2] (1), [Ni(Metscato)2] (2), [Ni(Me2tscato)2] (3), [Ni(Me3tscato)2] (4) and [Ni(EtMe2tscato)2] (5), all of which have been structurally characterised [tscato = H2NC(S)[double bond, length as m-dash]NNH2, Metscato = HMeNC(S)[double bond, length as m-dash]NNH2, Me2tscato = H2NC(S)[double bond, length as m-dash]NNMe2, Me3tscato = HMeNC(S)[double bond, length as m-dash]NNMe2, EtMe2tscato = HEtNC(S)[double bond, length as m-dash]NNMe2]. [Ni(tscato)2] has been structurally characterised before, though the crystal structure analysis of 1 reveals it to be a polymorph of the previously reported complex. The effect of removing hydrogen bond donors through the substitution of NH hydrogen atoms by alkyl groups on the supramolecular structure of the products is assessed.

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Article information

Article type
23 Aug 2002
25 Sep 2002
First published
08 Oct 2002

CrystEngComm, 2002,4, 539-544

Structural manipulation through selective substitution of hydrogen bonding groups: the supramolecular structures of bis(thiosemicarbazidato)nickel complexes

A. D. Burrows, R. W. Harrington, M. F. Mahon and S. J. Teat, CrystEngComm, 2002, 4, 539 DOI: 10.1039/B208284E

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