Issue 37, 2018

Rigid tetraarylene-bridged cavitands from reduced-symmetry resorcin[4]arene derivatives


Container molecules (cavitands) derived from resorcin[4]arene are of broad interest in supramolecular chemistry as hosts and fragments of larger constructs. Herein is presented a new class of rigid cavitand where the resorcin[4]arene carbon framework is extended with four bridging arylene rings. Two tenable, isomeric precursors of differing symmetry (C2v and C4) were prepared, of which only one afforded the desired fused bowl. X-ray crystallographic studies provide conformational insight, and show that the cavitand can bind small molecules in the solid state.

Graphical abstract: Rigid tetraarylene-bridged cavitands from reduced-symmetry resorcin[4]arene derivatives

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
09 Mar 2018
17 Apr 2018
First published
23 Apr 2018

Chem. Commun., 2018,54, 4716-4719

Rigid tetraarylene-bridged cavitands from reduced-symmetry resorcin[4]arene derivatives

J. N. Smith and N. T. Lucas, Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 4716 DOI: 10.1039/C8CC01903G

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