Issue 27, 2017

Radical cations of phenyl silatrane


Electrochemical oxidation of phenylsilatrane (1) in CH3CN/0.1 M Bu4NPF6 has been studied by voltammetry, UV-Vis and EPR-coupled spectroelectrochemistry supported by DFT calculations. One-electron withdrawal from the HOMO of 1, formed with a predominant contribution of the atrane N atom to the 3c–4e system, results in a short lived radical cation, in which the atrane nitrogen atom is almost planar and carries most of the spin density showing strong coupling with the protons of the axially directed C–H bonds of the three adjacent α-methylene groups (g = 2.0037, aαHax = 37.93 G, aαHlat = 0.23 G and aβH = 1.8 G). EPR spectroscopy and DFT calculations attest that the unpaired electron in the radical cation does not reside at the Si atom.

Graphical abstract: Radical cations of phenyl silatrane

Article information

Article type
05 Feb 2017
06 Apr 2017
First published
06 Apr 2017

Dalton Trans., 2017,46, 8849-8854

Radical cations of phenyl silatrane

V. Romanovs, V. Sidorkin, E. Belogolova and V. Jouikov, Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 8849 DOI: 10.1039/C7DT00447H

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