Environmental Science: Nano – immediacy index and more

Vicki H. Grassian *
Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Nanoengineering and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA. E-mail: vhgrassian@ucsd.edu

Environmental Science: Nano is a comprehensive new journal that brings together a variety of communities to publish their work on the benefits and implications of nanoscience and nanotechnology on environmental and human health, including sustainable design, development and use of nanotechnologies. The journal continues on a path of excellence with an immediacy index of 1.396 (2014, Journal Citation Reports®), placing Environmental Science: Nano 7th out of 221 journals in the Environmental Science category. This is something we can all be proud of.

In addition to receiving one of our first metrics as a journal, we are growing our editorial and advisory boards this year to include some of the best people working in the field of sustainable nanotechnology to guide us during our first few years. We welcome a new Associate Editor to the team, Professor Iseult Lynch. Professor Lynch is at the University of Birmingham, UK, in the Environmental Nanosciences division, and has a broad range of expertise relevant to the journal. Professor Lynch undertook her PhD in Physical Chemistry at University College Dublin developing responsive polymeric materials for use in medical devices and as tissue growth substrates. She subsequently did postdoctoral research at Lund University in Sweden, where she was an EU Marie Curie Fellow, investigating several aspects of colloid and interface science and biophysics. She returned to University College Dublin in 2006 where she led the nanoparticle synthesis and bio-characterisation group at the Center for BioNano Interactions. She has a very broad overview of all aspects of nanomaterials safety assessment and the data requirements, having served as Chair of the EU Nanosafety Cluster Working Group (NSC WG) on databases for the last 2 years (and as co-Chair of the Hazed WG prior to that), as well as being theme editor for the Materials and classification section of the NSC Vision2020 research roadmap. Iseult started handling manuscripts from the start of March of this year.

This year we have a new Executive Editor, Sarah Ruthven, who has taken Harp Minhas' role following his new appointment in business development at the Royal Society of Chemistry. We wish Harp the best in his new position and have been working closely with Sarah over the past nine months. We also say goodbye to Professor James Hutchison who has finished his term as Associate Editor. We wholeheartedly thank him for his work on the journal as one of our inaugural Associate Editors focused on green nanotechnology. We wish him the very best in his future endeavors, and are pleased that he will continue to be involved with the journal through being a member of our Advisory Board.

Authors continue to submit outstanding papers in all areas of sustainability covered by the journal including engineering aspects, toxicity and biological interactions of nanomaterials, green chemistry, sustainable nanotechnology and environmental remediation. The journal is interested in receiving high quality papers on developing nanomaterial applications in novel applications for water, air, soil, food and energy. Associate Editor Gregory Lowry has prepared some guidance on the type of papers Environmental Science: Nano is looking for in this area, which is available in our journal specific guidelines (http://rsc.li/es-nano-authors).

This past year Environmental Science: Nano again sponsored the Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization (SNO) Emerging Investigator honor at the annual SNO meeting this past November in Portland, Oregon. This gives recognition to emerging scientists and engineers working in the area of Sustainable Nanotechnology. This year was very unusual in that we had two Emerging Investigators recognized – Professors Navid Saleh and John Fortner, whom I am delighted to announce have both agreed to join the Journal Advisory Board.

Professor Navid Saleh is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Austin in the Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering. Professor Saleh's research focuses on both the environmental applications and implications of nanomaterials. He has recently successfully upconverted microwave radiation to ultraviolet radiation using novel metal-oxide/nanotube nanohybrid materials. These materials can be used to disinfect water. In addition, his group has enumerated the mechanisms of heteroaggregation in fresh and saline water environments under a wide range of conditions. Besides his outstanding scientific contributions, Dr Saleh is a model mentor and advocate for students and his research provides an excellent platform for engaging students.

Professor John Fortner is an Assistant Professor at Washington University in Saint Louis in the Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering. Professor Fortner's research focuses on a combination of nanomaterial design, synthesis, and applications. These applications include heavy metal adsorption, separation, carbon dioxide capture, and photocatalysts for hydrogen production. At Washington University, Professor Fortner has shown a tremendous commitment to training the next generation of scientists and engineers in the field of sustainable nanotechnology.

From 2016, our papers are now being highlighted on the new Twitter feed (@EnvSciRSC) that provides information on Environmental Science: Nano as well as our sister journals Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts and Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology.

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In closing, I want to note that Environmental Science: Nano is on a path of excellence and continues to grow as a journal because of the community of readers, authors, reviewers, board members and editors. To all of you I say thank you for your efforts and contributions. I will continue on this next year as Editor-in-Chief but in a beautiful new location as I have just moved to the University of California San Diego where I have appointments in the Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Nanoengineering and Scripps Institution of Oceanography. I invite you all to come visit if you are in the area.


Vicki H. Grassian

Distinguished Professor, University of California San Diego

Editor-in-Chief, Environmental Science: Nano

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016