Issue 75, 2014

Optimal response surface design of Gum tragacanth-based poly[(acrylic acid)-co-acrylamide] IPN hydrogel for the controlled release of the antihypertensive drug losartan potassium


The present study proposes the development and optimization of a new interpenetrating polymer network (IPN), consisting of Gum tragacanth, poly(acrylic acid) (PAA), and poly(acrylamide) (PAAm), for the in situ controlled release of losartan potassium under different pH conditions at 37 °C. Solvent amount and monomer concentration were chosen as the process variables and percentage swelling was taken as the process response. ANOVA model fits were made for the data and gave the cubic model as the best fit, with a predicted R2 = 0.976. The maximum desirability was observed to be 19.63 mL solvent and 3.28 × 10−4 mol L−1 monomer concentration, at which the percentage swelling was found to be 266. Whereas, at 23.7 mL solvent and 6.7 × 10−4 mol L−1 monomer, the percentage swelling was found to be at the minimum (139%). The model was validated at the optimal points for developing devices with the maximum swelling capacity. Drug release through the synthesized matrix was found to show non-fickian behavior at pH 2.0, 7.0, and 9.2, with an increasing trend in gel characteristic constant (k). At each pH medium, the initial diffusion coefficient (DI) was found to be higher than the lateral diffusion coefficient (DL).

Graphical abstract: Optimal response surface design of Gum tragacanth-based poly[(acrylic acid)-co-acrylamide] IPN hydrogel for the controlled release of the antihypertensive drug losartan potassium

Article information

Article type
30 Mar 2014
31 Jul 2014
First published
01 Aug 2014

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 39822-39829

Author version available

Optimal response surface design of Gum tragacanth-based poly[(acrylic acid)-co-acrylamide] IPN hydrogel for the controlled release of the antihypertensive drug losartan potassium

Saruchi, B. S. Kaith, R. Jindal, V. Kumar and M. S. Bhatti, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 39822 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA02803A

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