Issue 38, 2012

Strategies for covalently reticulated polymer multilayers


The past decade has seen a growing need for robust organic coating technologies in various fields going from biotechnology, sensing and electronic devices to membrane design. Polyelectrolyte multilayers constitute a major and versatile tool in this respect. Yet, these films usually suffer from chemical and mechanical weakness. Improvement of the chemical and mechanical stability of multilayer films can be brought about by covalent reticulation between the constituent polymers. Three main routes were developed for this purpose: post-reticulation after film buildup, step-by-step reticulation during film buildup and recently one-pot film construction. This review summarizes these main strategies with emphasis on the mechanisms of the chemical reactions used.

Graphical abstract: Strategies for covalently reticulated polymer multilayers

Article information

Article type
Review Article
28 Mar 2012
23 May 2012
First published
25 Jun 2012

Soft Matter, 2012,8, 9738-9755

Strategies for covalently reticulated polymer multilayers

G. Rydzek, P. Schaaf, J. Voegel, L. Jierry and F. Boulmedais, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 9738 DOI: 10.1039/C2SM25719J

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