Persistent C60 anion-radical formation via photoinduced electron transfer from tetraphenylborate and triphenylbutylborate

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Toshifumi Konishi, Yoshiko Sasaki, Mamoru Fujitsuka, Yasumasa Toba, Hiroshi Moriyama and Osamu Ito


Photochemical reactions between photo-excited C60 and borates (BPh4 and BPh3Bu) have been investigated by steady-state photolysis and laser flash photolysis. On steady-state photolysis of C60 in the presence of the borates in polar solvents, the absorption of C60˙ increases with irradiation time, suggesting that irreversible photoinduced electron-transfer occurs. By the measurements of the transient absorption spectra, it is indicated that electron transfer takes place from the borate anions to 3C60*, yielding C60˙ and ˙BPh3R (R = Ph or Bu), in which the latter dissociates into Ph3B and R˙, yielding biphenyl (or octane). Electron-donor ability of BPh3 Bu is higher than that of BPh4, while the steady-state photolysis to a C60/borate system shows an opposite tendency. The addition reaction of C60˙ with Bu˙ yielding BuC60 is more efficient than that with Ph˙ producing PhC60. The rate constant of electron-transfer via the triplet state of C60 increases with solvent polarity.


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