Experimental and abinitio spectra of the persistent carbocation generated upon adsorption of vinylanisole in acid zeolites

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Lorenzo Fernández, Vicente Martí and Hermenegildo García


Upon adsorption of vinylanisole on acid zeolites, a new species visually characterized by its intense purple color is generated. Recent product studies and optical spectroscopy by Cozens etal. (J. Phys. Chem. B, 1997, 101, 6921) had previously suggested a structure of 1,3-dianisyl-2-buten-1-ylium ion (2) for this species. Herein, we have complemented the reported spectroscopic characterization of the purple species by recording its IR spectrum in a zeolite matrix. In addition, species 2 has also been generated in solution and its most characteristic low-field signals in 13C-NMR measured. Theoretical calculations at the Hartree–Fock and B3LYP levels have been carried out to predict the UV/visible, IR and 13C-NMR spectra for the two more stable stereoisomers of a species such as 2. The good match between the experimental and calculated spectra reinforces the structural assignment of allE-2 as the actual purple species upon incorporation of vinylanisole in acid zeolites. The degree of accuracy of the predicted spectra has been corroborated by performing concurrently the same calculations for two structurally related cations such as 1,3-diphenylpropenylium and 4-methoxyphenylethylium, whose experimental spectroscopic data have already been reported in the literature.


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