Kodumuru Vishnumurthy, Tayur N. Guru Row and Kailasam Venkatesan
In continuation of our studies on the influence of fluoro
substitution on the solid state photobehaviour and packing
pattern of styrylcoumarins, the results obtained for
4-(3-fluorostyryl)coumarin 1, 4-styryl-6-fluorocoumarin 2 and
4-styryl-7-fluorocoumarin 3 are presented. The configuration of
the dimers was established on the basis of crystal packing of 1
and 2 (α-packed). A rationale for the significantly lower
dimer yield in the crystal for 2 is proposed. In the observed
centrosymmetric arrangement of the reactants the
CO · · · π (phenyl)
contacts seem to provide additional attractive
C–H · · · O and
C–H · · · F
hydrogen bonding seems to provide stability in these