Issue 38, 2017

Ti-Doped WO3 synthesized by a facile wet bath method for improved electrochromism


Electrochromic materials could modulate the optical transmittance reversibly by the application of electric potential and the increase in the surface area for fast ionic diffusion is an efficient way to improve their electrochromism. In this work, WO3 based nanomaterials with a size as small as 5 nm were synthesized via a facile wet bath method that leads to Ti doping of WO3 based on the heterovalency of W(VI) and Ti(IV). Ti doping improved the WO3 electrochromism effectiveness in transmittance contrast and coloration efficiency due to the reduced crystallite size and therefore an increase in the surface area, the Ti doping also enhanced the cycling stability benefiting from the stable Ti–O bonding. However, the coloring/bleaching kinetics were deteriorated due to the reduced proton diffusion coefficient after the Ti ion substitution into the WO3 lattice. A high coloration efficiency of 106.6 cm2 C−1 and a good optical contrast of ∼67.6% can be obtained for the optimized Ti-doped WO3 at a wavelength of 633 nm.

Graphical abstract: Ti-Doped WO3 synthesized by a facile wet bath method for improved electrochromism

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Article information

Article type
03 Jun 2017
01 Sep 2017
First published
04 Sep 2017

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017,5, 9995-10000

Ti-Doped WO3 synthesized by a facile wet bath method for improved electrochromism

Y. Zhan, M. R. J. Tan, X. Cheng, W. M. A. Tan, G. F. Cai, J. W. Chen, V. Kumar, S. Magdassi and P. S. Lee, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 9995 DOI: 10.1039/C7TC02456H

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