Issue 21, 2017

Macroscopically aligned nanowire arrays of π-conjugated polymers via shear-enhanced crystallization


The nanoscale structure and macroscopic morphology of π-conjugated polymers are very important for their electronic application. While ordered single crystals of small molecules have been obtained via solution deposition, macroscopically aligned films of π-conjugated polymers deposited directly from solution have always required surface modification or complex pre-deposition processing of the solution. Here, ordered nanowires were obtained via shear-enhanced crystallization of π-conjugated polymers at the air–liquid–solid interface using simple deposition of the polymer solution onto an inclined substrate. The formation of macroscopically aligned nanowire arrays was found to be due to the synergy between intrinsic (π-conjugated backbone) and external (crystallization conditions) effects. The oriented nanowires showed remarkable improvement in the charge carrier mobility compared to spin-coated films as characterized in organic field-effect transistors (OFETs). Considering the simplicity and large-scale applicability, shear-enhanced crystallization of π-conjugated polymers provides a promising strategy to achieve high-performance polymer semiconductor films for electronics applications.

Graphical abstract: Macroscopically aligned nanowire arrays of π-conjugated polymers via shear-enhanced crystallization

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
03 Apr 2017
11 May 2017
First published
12 May 2017

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017,5, 5128-5134

Macroscopically aligned nanowire arrays of π-conjugated polymers via shear-enhanced crystallization

J. Li, Y. Xi, L. D. Pozzo, J. Xu and C. K. Luscombe, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 5128 DOI: 10.1039/C7TC01419H

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