Issue 43, 2016

Ni2P–CoP hybrid nanosheet arrays supported on carbon cloth as an efficient flexible cathode for hydrogen evolution


Here we report a new type of Ni2P–CoP hybrid nanosheet array (HNSAs) supported on carbon cloth (CC) (Ni2P–CoP HNSAs/CC) as an efficient flexible cathode for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). This synthesized Ni2P–CoP HNSAs/CC shows excellent electrocatalytic performance for the HER in both acid and alkaline solutions compared with Ni2P/CC and CoP/CC cathodes that have been considered to be good candidates for the HER. The significantly improved electrocatalytic performance of Ni2P–CoP HNSAs/CC can be attributed to the special surface effects of hybrid nanosheet arrays and synergistic effects between Ni2P and CoP. The Ni2P–CoP HNSAs/CC shows excellent flexibility and exhibits unchangeable electrochemical performance under the various distorted states, such as bending and twisting sates.

Graphical abstract: Ni2P–CoP hybrid nanosheet arrays supported on carbon cloth as an efficient flexible cathode for hydrogen evolution

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
06 Sep 2016
03 Oct 2016
First published
04 Oct 2016

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016,4, 16992-16999

Ni2P–CoP hybrid nanosheet arrays supported on carbon cloth as an efficient flexible cathode for hydrogen evolution

A. Wang, J. Lin, H. Xu, Y. Tong and G. Li, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 16992 DOI: 10.1039/C6TA07704H

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