Issue 7, 2013

Thermocharge of a hot spot in an electrolyte solution


We discuss the thermoelectric properties of a locally heated micron-size volume in an electrolyte solution. We find that such a hot spot carries a net charge Q which, for an excess temperature of 10 K, may attain hundreds of elementary charges. The corresponding Seebeck electric field E increases linearly with the radius r inside the heated area, then goes through a maximum, and decays as 1/r2 at larger distances. Our results could be relevant to optothermal actuation of electrolytes and colloidal suspensions.

Graphical abstract: Thermocharge of a hot spot in an electrolyte solution

Article information

Article type
20 Jul 2012
09 Dec 2012
First published
07 Jan 2013

Soft Matter, 2013,9, 2145-2153

Thermocharge of a hot spot in an electrolyte solution

A. Majee and A. Würger, Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 2145 DOI: 10.1039/C2SM26680F

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