Issue 4, 2006

Nanoscum: solid nanostructured films at the air–water interface


The formation of solid films at the air–solution interface is a common phenomenon, however, these films have largely not been explored from a materials point of view. In solutions containing inorganic species with surfactants these films, which can be several microns thick, have a highly organised nanoscale structure aligned with respect to the interface. More recently similar polyelectrolyte–surfactant membranes have been prepared which show similar nanostructures encapsulated within the film. The current state of understanding of these films is reviewed, and the links between two apparently disparate systems are highlighted.

Graphical abstract: Nanoscum: solid nanostructured films at the air–water interface

Article information

Article type
Review Article
11 Oct 2005
26 Jan 2006
First published
21 Feb 2006

Soft Matter, 2006,2, 284-292

Nanoscum: solid nanostructured films at the air–water interface

K. J. Edler, Soft Matter, 2006, 2, 284 DOI: 10.1039/B514420E

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