Issue 5, 2014

The kinetics of carbonyl radical ring closures


Intramolecular homolytic addition reactions of acyl and oxyacyl radicals 1, 7–11 have been investigated by computational techniques. Acyl radical (X = CH2) cyclizations appear to proceed through Beckwith–Houk transition states that adopt pseudo-chair like structures, while the oxyacyl radicals (X = O) appear to behave more like sp2-hybridized radicals in which the 6-endo transition states are predicted to adopt boat-like structures. G3(MP2)-RAD calculations provide activation energies (Ea) that lie in the range: 24–37 kJ mol−1 (acyl, 5-exo); 17–29 kJ mol−1 (oxyacyl, 5-exo); 32–41 kJ mol−1 (acyl, 6-endo); and 40–50 kJ mol−1 (oxyacyl, 6-endo), with associated log(A/s−1) values in the expected range: 10.5–12.5. These data provide rate constants for 5-exo cyclization (kc) of ∼104 to 107 s−1 for the acyl radicals, and ∼106 to 109 s−1 for the oxyacyl radicals (296 K) and are in excellent agreement with the few available kinetic data. This study provides valuable new information for practitioners wishing to employ this chemistry in synthesis.

Graphical abstract: The kinetics of carbonyl radical ring closures

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
05 Feb 2014
21 Feb 2014
First published
21 Feb 2014

Chem. Sci., 2014,5, 1967-1973

Author version available

The kinetics of carbonyl radical ring closures

A. N. Hancock and C. H. Schiesser, Chem. Sci., 2014, 5, 1967 DOI: 10.1039/C4SC00397G

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