Issue 43, 2013

A highly selective turn-on fluorescent chemosensor for Al3+ imaging in living cells via through-bond energy transfer


PSI-BDP showed almost no fluorescence due to the introduction of oxygen donors through the PeT process. Upon addition of Al3+, the PeT was switched off by coordination of Al3+, and the cassette PSI-BDP underwent through-bond energy transfer (TBET) to release strong fluorescence. PSI-BDP was highly selective to Al3+ and the detection limit for Al3+ reached 1 μM. The fluorescence intensity of PSI-BDP for Al3+ remained unaffected over a wide pH span of 5–9 and PSI-BDP detection of Al3+ could therefore be applied to a biologically relevant pH range. PSI-BDP was used as a fluorescence turn-on chemosensor for Al3+ in HepG2 cells, indicating its potential application for studying the effect of Al3+ in biological systems.

Graphical abstract: A highly selective turn-on fluorescent chemosensor for Al3+ imaging in living cells via through-bond energy transfer

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Article information

Article type
11 Jul 2013
29 Aug 2013
First published
30 Aug 2013

RSC Adv., 2013,3, 21033-21038

A highly selective turn-on fluorescent chemosensor for Al3+ imaging in living cells via through-bond energy transfer

R. Kang, X. Shao, F. Peng, Y. Zhang, G. Sun, W. Zhao and X. Jiang, RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 21033 DOI: 10.1039/C3RA43535K

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