Issue 12, 2011

Differences in control by UV radiation of inflammatory airways disease in naïve and allergen pre-sensitised mice


Exposure of skin to UV radiation (UVR) prior to allergen exposure can inhibit inflammatory airways disease in mice by reducing effectorCD4+ T cells in both the trachea and the airway draining lymph nodes. This study analysed the immunomodulatory properties of UVR delivered to naïve versus allergen pre-sensitised mice. In a model of inflammatory airways disease, BALB/c mice were sensitised by peritoneal injection of the allergen, ovalbumin (OVA) (20 μg/mouse), in the adjuvant, alum (4 mg/mouse), on days 0 and 14. On day 21, the mice were exposed to aerosolised OVA and 24 h later, proliferative responses by the cells in the airway draining lymph nodes were examined. UVR (8 kJ m−2) was administered 3 days prior to first OVA sensitisation (day −3), or OVA aerosol challenge (day 18). UVR before sensitisation reduced immune responses associated with expression of allergic airways disease; seven days after first OVA sensitisation, regulation of OVA-induced proliferation in vitro but not in vivo by CD4+CD25+ cells from UV-irradiated mice was detected. UVR administered to pre-sensitised mice regulated allergen responsiveness by cells from the airway draining lymph nodes only with a sensitisation protocol involving allergen and adjuvant at 5% strength of the original dose (1 μg OVA in 0.2 mg alum/mouse). These results suggest that UVR may modulate allergic airways disease by two mechanisms. The first, and more potent, is by reducing effector cells in respiratory tissues and requires UV delivery prior to sensitisation. The second, associated with administration to pre-sensitised mice, is weaker and is detected when the mice are sensitised with lower levels of allergen and adjuvant.

Graphical abstract: Differences in control by UV radiation of inflammatory airways disease in naïve and allergen pre-sensitised mice

Article information

Article type
29 Jun 2011
05 Sep 2011
First published
14 Oct 2011

Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2011,10, 1894-1901

Differences in control by UV radiation of inflammatory airways disease in naïve and allergen pre-sensitised mice

N. M. Scott, M. J. M. Lambert, S. Gorman, J. P. McGlade and P. H. Hart, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2011, 10, 1894 DOI: 10.1039/C1PP05206C

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