Issue 21, 2008

The first cyclic monomeric 3-alkylpyridinium alkaloid from natural sources: identification, synthesis, and biological activity


3-Alkylpyridine alkaloids are very common secondary metabolites from marine sponges of the order Haplosclerida. Here, we report on the identification and synthesis of the first cyclic monomeric 3-alkylpyridinium alkaloid from natural sources. Due to the lack of a pure sample of the new compound, structure elucidation had to rely on HPLC and MSn.

Graphical abstract: The first cyclic monomeric 3-alkylpyridinium alkaloid from natural sources: identification, synthesis, and biological activity

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Article information

Article type
21 May 2008
09 Jul 2008
First published
09 Sep 2008

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2008,6, 4036-4040

The first cyclic monomeric 3-alkylpyridinium alkaloid from natural sources: identification, synthesis, and biological activity

C. Timm, C. Volk, F. Sasse and M. Köck, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2008, 6, 4036 DOI: 10.1039/B808647H

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